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12-04Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleAdded the feature [] to the query result set, allowing users to create data export tasks directly from the SQL Console without switching modules.SQL Console (RDBMS)
12-04Database DevOpsSQL Console (Greenplum)The SQL Console now supports Greenplum data sources, enabling you to manage your Greenplum data source through the SQL Console.SQL Console (RDBMS)
12-04Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleThe SQL Console now supports the visual creation and editing of non-table objects for Oracle data sources.SQL Console (RDBMS)


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11-27Data ReplicationFeature OptimizationFor data replication tasks between PostgreSQL instances, the source database plugins can now be replicated to the target database.PostgreSQL Migration and Synchronization to PostgreSQL
11-27Data ReplicationFeature OptimizationSeveral optimizations released for one-way and two-way replication between Sybase and PostgreSQL:
  • Support for modifying synchronization objects.
  • Support for triggering source database triggers during replication to generate specific objects on the target (used only in specific scenarios, disabled by default).
  • Support for using the feature (ETL) on the task configuration mapping page.
Sybase Migration and Synchronization to PostgreSQL
11-27Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleSQL Console result set optimization:
  • Added a Single Column Search feature for filtering results by entering keywords in a specific column.
  • Added a Column Details Display feature, showing field name, type, length, and comments when hovering over the field name in the result set.
SQL Console
11-27Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleThe SQL Console now supports a Tab Rename feature, allowing users to customize the current window name.SQL Console
11-27Database DevOpsSQL Tasks|Schema Design and DeploymentBackup capability is now supported for non-table object changes in MySQL and SQL Server data sources.SQL Tasks
Schema Design and Release
11-27Database DevOpsSQL Tasks|Schema Design and DeploymentA new Terminate feature allows manual intervention to stop a task during execution.SQL Tasks
Schema Design and Release
11-27Database DevOpsData GenerationData generation now supports the following data sources: OceanBase for Oracle, OceanBase for MySQL, TiDB, GreatSQL, ClickHouse, Doris, StarRocks, and TDSQL for MySQL.Generate Test Data
11-13Database DevOpsData Archiving and CleaningAdded content display for on the page, including , , , , and various task parameters.Data Archiving and Cleaning
11-13Database DevOpsSensitive Data Protection
  • Added support for visual editing of sensitive data identification rules.
  • On the sensitive data scan task log page, added parameters , , and (whether the results take effect immediately after the scan).
  • On the sensitive data scan task log page, added a entry for failed scan tasks.
  • The page supports batch operations, allowing batch changes to and (enable or disable) for multiple selected items.
Manage Sensitive Data
11-13Database DevOpsData Tracking and RollbackSupports longer tracking time spans. The selectable for creating data tracking and rollback tasks has been extended from 48 hours to 72 hours.Data Tracking and Rollback
11-13Data ReplicationPostgreSQL to KafkaAdded support for data replication from PostgreSQL to Kafka, supporting both full and incremental data replication.PostgreSQL Migration and Sync to Kafka


Release Date
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10-30Database DevOpsChatDBAThe latest version of ChatDBA is released, supporting the construction and management of enterprise private knowledge bases. It works with ChatDBA to efficiently retrieve internal knowledge, improving search accuracy and efficiency.Intelligent Q&A Bot ChatDBA
10-30Database DevOpsSensitive Data ProtectionAdded three new masking algorithms for ID numbers, phone numbers, and bank card numbers.Manage Sensitive Data
10-30Database DevOpsData GenerationAdded support for Oracle database.Generate Test Data
10-30Data ReplicationCustom Target Database NameWhen creating a replication task, the Mapping page now supports transferring tables to any target database (allowing manual configuration of the target database name).None
10-30Data ReplicationGaussDB ReplicationAdded support for GaussDB to GaussDB replication, including structure and full data.Coming Soon
10-30Basic ServicesAudit LogsSQL execution logs now support report generation, with options to download reports locally.View Audit Logs
10-23Data ReplicationOracle to KingbaseData replication from Oracle to Kingbase is now supported, including structure, full, and incremental data replication.Oracle Migration Synchronization to Kingbase
10-23Data ReplicationMySQL to KingbaseData replication from MySQL to Kingbase is now supported, including structure, full, and incremental data replication.MySQL Migration Synchronization to Kingbase
10-23Data ReplicationKingbase to PostgreSQLData replication from Kingbase to PostgreSQL is now supported, including structure and full data replication.Coming Soon
10-23Data ReplicationKingbase to OracleData replication from Kingbase to Oracle is now supported, including structure and full data replication.Coming Soon
10-23Data ReplicationKingbase to MySQLData replication from Kingbase to MySQL is now supported, including structure and full data replication.Coming Soon
10-23Data ReplicationKingbase to KingbaseData replication between Kingbase instances is now supported, including structure and full data replication.Coming Soon
10-23Data ReplicationPerformance Optimization
  • Optimized network transmission methods for Oracle and Kingbase to improve transmission performance.
  • PostgreSQL now supports dynamic adjustment of streaming read buffer size to avoid OOM during large field replication.
10-16Database DevOpsData GenerationAdded 14 new data simulation rules, supporting more data simulation scenarios.Generate Test Data
10-16Database DevOpsSensitive Data ProtectionEnhanced sensitive column recognition rules with new content recognition support, improving detection accuracy.Manage Sensitive Data
10-09Database DevOpsData GenerationNineData supports automatically generating random data in the database that matches specific business scenarios. This helps simulate actual production data for functional testing, stress testing, and other verification tasks without using real data.Generate Test Data
10-09Data ReplicationFeature OptimizationWhen Oracle is the source, it supports minimizing the activation of supplemental logging at the table level for incremental replication. The pre-check has been changed from requiring full instance-level supplemental logging to checking supplemental logging based on the user-selected tables.None
10-09Data ReplicationFeature OptimizationWhen searching for Sybase table objects, it supports ignoring case sensitivity in table names.None


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09-11Data ReplicationNew Replication LinkSupports full and incremental data replication from Oracle to Kafka.Oracle Migration and Synchronization to Kafka
09-04Data ReplicationDatabase Group ReplicationAdded the capability to replicate MySQL database groups, supporting the use of database groups as both source and target.Sharding Replication
09-04Data ReplicationOne-click Table ResynchronizationIn the incremental phase of replication tasks, supports one-click resynchronization of specific tables.One-click Table Resynchronization


Release Date
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08-28Data ReplicationReplication Feature OptimizationAdded row-level loop prevention capability for bidirectional replication from Sybase to PostgreSQL, supporting scenarios with Sybase transaction log merging.Sybase Replication Sync to PostgreSQL
08-28Data ReplicationReplication Performance OptimizationAdded the following data source types for full streaming reads (optimized read performance, eliminating OOM failures): Greenplum, AnalyticDB PostgreSQL Edition, Doris, SelectDB, StarRocks, SingleStore, OceanBase.None
08-28Database DevOpsNew SQL Development RulesAdded rules related to multiple OceanBase for MySQL data sources.SQL Development Policy Overview
08-28Database DevOpsOceanBase for MySQL Feature SupportThe following features of Database DevOps now support OceanBase for MySQL: Sensitive Data, SQL Console, SQL Tasks, Structure Design and Deployment, Data Import and Export, SQL Code Review, Policies and Processes, Database and Table Grouping (Batch Changes, Batch Queries).None
08-28Database DevOpsNew Data Source SupportAdded support for OceanBase for MySQL data source.Create Data Source
08-28Database DevOpsSensitive Data ProtectionSensitive data protection has been fully upgraded, with added support for sensitive data levels, enabling classified and hierarchical control. Introduced the concept of data types for intelligent identification of sensitive fields in data sources, and automatic addition of these fields. Additionally, new data masking algorithms and identification rules have been added, covering most user scenarios.Manage Sensitive Data
08-14Data ReplicationReplication Performance OptimizationOptimized MongoDB replication methods to significantly improve replication performance for large MongoDB instances (several TBs/thousands of collections). Additionally, added support for replicating MongoDB indexes and TTL attributes.MongoDB Migration to MongoDB
08-14Data ReplicationReplication Feature OptimizationAdded support for replicating source-side DDL statements during incremental replication in the TiDB to PostgreSQL link.TiDB Migration to PostgreSQL
08-14Database DevOpsNew SQL Development RulesAdded 10 new rules related to sharding for TDSQL MySQL data sources:
Overview of SQL Development Policies
08-06Data ReplicationPerformance Optimization for ReplicationThe replication method for AnalyticDB PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL has been optimized, improving the performance of full replication.Data Replication
08-06Data ReplicationFull Task Specification SelectionWhen creating replication tasks, different specifications can be chosen for full tasks. The larger the specification, the more stable the task. Specifications other than Micro need to be purchased first.Data Replication
08-06Database DevOpsTable Structure to Code GenerationWhen converting table structures to code, MyBatis XML and MyBatis Annotation are now supported.SQL Console
08-06Database DevOpsAI Execution Plan InterpretationAn AI interpretation entry for execution plans has been added for the SQL console and slow query analysis, allowing AI to interpret the execution plan of target statements.None
08-06Database DevOpsTDSQL MySQL Version SupportThe following Database DevOps features now support TDSQL MySQL: sensitive data, SQL console, SQL tasks, structure design and release, data import/export, SQL code review, and compliance and workflow.None
08-06Basic ServicesNew Data Source SupportTencent Cloud TDSQL MySQL is now supported as a new data source.Create Data Source


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07-31Data ReplicationMySQL to Oracle Compatibility OptimizationOracle now supports fully receiving BIGINT, BINARY, and VARBINARY data types from MySQL.MySQL Replication to Oracle
07-31Data ReplicationDoris|SelectDB|StarRocks Performance OptimizationOptimized data writing methods when targeting Doris, SelectDB, and StarRocks, improving write performance and significantly reducing network traffic consumption.None
07-24Data ReplicationOracle Performance OptimizationOptimized incremental functionality for Oracle RAC clusters, enhancing replication performance and task stability during primary-secondary switchovers.Data Migration Between Oracle Instances
07-24Database DevOpsSQL Code ReviewAdded support for AI-based extraction of SQL statements from Java code. Users can directly upload Java code packages containing SQL.SQL Code Review
07-24Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleOptimized PostgreSQL visual table structure design, added Btree, Hash, Gin, and Gist indexes, and separately categorized CHECK and exclusion constraints under the constraints tab.Design PostgreSQL Table Structure
07-18Basic ServicesData Source Permission ManagementAdded support for viewing permissions at the data source level, allowing clear visibility of current data sources and the granted permissions for databases, tables, and columns under each data source.None
07-10Database DevOpsData Export EncryptionAdded a new rule , which supports encryption of files generated by data export tasks. The file can only be decompressed with the correct password. Authorized users can view the password on the task interface.Data Export
07-10Database DevOpsSchema Design and ReleaseWhen creating the Schema Design and Release task, it supports selecting the database group as the baseline data source.Schema Design and Release
07-10Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleFor PostgreSQL, Oracle, and DM data sources, a new search function has been added to search for different objects more accurately.SQL Console
07-10Data ReplicationDisplay of Replication Task ProgressDuring structure replication and full replication, it supports displaying the current replication progress as a percentage.None
07-10Data ReplicationDatabase|Schema|Table SearchIn the data replication task list, tasks can be searched by database name, schema name, and table name.None
07-04Data ReplicationReplication Performance OptimizationOptimized incremental replication performance for SQL Server, achieving over 5000 RPS.None


Release Date
Release Details
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06-27Database DevOpsData Tracking and RollbackAdded a task termination feature to address scenarios where tasks may impact business databases during peak periods.Data Tracking and Rollback
06-27Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleAdded support for visual creation and editing of PostgreSQL table structures through the SQL Console.Design PostgreSQL Table Structure
06-27Database DevOpsFull Database DevOps FunctionalityThe full range of Database DevOps features now supports Baidu Cloud GaiaDB-X data sources, including SQL Console, SQL tasks, data import, data export, SQL review, batch database changes, DSQL, and data archiving.Database DevOps
06-27Basic ServicesNew Data Source SupportAdded support for Baidu Cloud GaiaDB-X data source.Create Data Source
06-27Basic ServicesAudit LogsThe module has added a and filter criteria; in terms of record display, it now includes , , and .View Audit Logs
06-27Basic ServicesData Source OverviewThe data source overview page has added a SQL Execution dashboard that allows viewing of SQL execution conditions over a specific period, sortable by SQL, user, or data source.N/A
06-20Data ReplicationReplication Function OptimizationPostgreSQL replication links now support performance monitoring and rate limiting; added capability to continue replication after primary-secondary instance switch.None
06-20Data ReplicationReplication Function OptimizationIn replication links with Oracle as the source, support for using RAC clusters and ADG instances as the source.None
06-20Data ReplicationReplication Function OptimizationRedis now supports replication of large keys.None
06-20Database DevOpsData Export (PostgreSQL)Enhanced the existing PostgreSQL data export feature by adding the ability to export data through databases and tables.Data Export
06-20Database DevOpsData Import (PostgreSQL)Data import functionality now supports PostgreSQL data sources, allowing SQL, CSV, and EXCEL files containing data to be imported into the target database.Data Import
06-20Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleFor MySQL data sources, added a new search feature to search different objects more precisely.SQL Console
06-20Database DevOpsData OwnerNineData supports setting a Data Owner for each data source, each database within a data source, and database groups, significantly enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of approval process configurations.Set Data Owner
06-05Data ReplicationReplication Function OptimizationAdded support for view conversion in replication tasks from MySQL|TiDB to PostgreSQL.None
06-05Data ReplicationReplication Performance OptimizationAdded batch writing method to improve incremental replication performance for Oracle as the target, significantly increasing write speed.None
06-05Data ReplicationReplication Performance OptimizationOptimized data reading method and delay calculation algorithm for MongoDB incremental replication, resolving OOM issues and achieving incremental data reading performance of 20-30 MB/s.None
06-05Data ReplicationReplication Function OptimizationAdded a bulk skip feature for error prompts on the replication task details page.None
06-05Database DevOpsStructure Design and ReleaseAdded support for multiple data sources in the structure design and release feature. Currently supported data sources include: MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, OceanBase for Oracle, DB2, DM, Kingbase, Klustron, openGauss, TiDB, GreatSQL, GBase, MongoDB, Redis, Doris, SelectDB, AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL.Structure Design and Release
06-05Database DevOpsData Archiving and CleaningAdded option for MySQL data sources when creating data archiving tasks. This option supports configuring conflict handling strategies when archiving data to the target end.Data Archiving and Cleaning
06-05Database DevOpsSQL Tasks (GBase)The SQL Tasks feature now supports GBase data sources. You can initiate change requests for GBase data sources through SQL tasks, with options for immediate or scheduled execution.SQL Tasks
06-05Database DevOpsData Export Digital WatermarkNineData supports embedding watermarks in exported Excel files. The watermark includes the user's name, helping trace data leaks and assign responsibility. Additionally, the data watermark serves as a reminder, embedding the user's identity into the page to encourage cautious behavior and reduce misconduct.Data Export


Release Date
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05-30Database DevOpsTable Group QueryThe table group query feature allows you to perform unified queries on multiple sub-databases and sub-tables through the SQL console, significantly simplifying the complexity of data queries in the context of sub-database and sub-table setups, and improving query efficiency.Unified Query for Sub-Databases and Sub-Tables
05-30Database DevOpsData Export (GreatSQL)The data export feature now supports GreatSQL data sources, allowing you to export data through database tables or SQL query statements.Data Export
05-30Database DevOpsData Import (GreatSQL)The data import feature now supports GreatSQL data sources, allowing you to import SQL, CSV, and EXCEL files containing data into the target database.Data Import
05-30Database DevOpsSQL Tasks (GreatSQL)The SQL tasks feature now supports GreatSQL data sources, allowing you to initiate change requests for GreatSQL data sources through SQL tasks, with options for immediate or scheduled execution.SQL Tasks
05-30Database DevOpsSQL Console (GreatSQL)The SQL console now supports GreatSQL data sources, allowing you to manage your GreatSQL data sources through the SQL console.SQL Console
05-30Database DevOpsSQL Console (GBase)The SQL console now supports GBase data sources, allowing you to manage your GBase data sources through the SQL console.SQL Console
05-30Basic ServicesAccess IP WhitelistNineData introduces a new security policy for organizations: the access IP whitelist. System administrators can enable the whitelist for trusted networks, blocking all networks outside the whitelist from accessing the current organization. This restriction enhances data and service security by preventing unauthorized access, even if an intruder knows an organization member's account credentials.Manage Access IP Whitelist
05-30Basic ServicesData Source Transmission EncryptionNineData will encrypt all sensitive fields (such as database passwords, cloud vendor access credentials, etc.) during network transmission with user data sources, making the use of the NineData platform more secure and reliable.None
05-30Basic ServicesNew Data Source SupportAdded support for integrating GBase data sources into NineData.Create Data Source
05-30Basic ServicesNew Data Source SupportAdded support for integrating GreatSQL data sources into NineData.Create Data Source
05-22Data ReplicationReplication Performance OptimizationOptimized data reading and writing methods for TiDB to PostgreSQL link, significantly enhancing full replication performance (approximately 30-120 MB/s).None
05-22Data ReplicationReplication Function OptimizationAdded feature in PostgreSQL to Oracle replication link, supporting custom specification of tablespaces for tables and indexes.None
05-22Data ReplicationNew Replication LinkAdded support for data replication of MariaDB (entered as MySQL type).Data Replication
05-22Data ReplicationNew Replication LinkAdded a new replication link from Oracle to Kafka.Data Replication
05-22Data ReplicationBatch Operations for Task ListIn the task list page of data replication, you can now select multiple data replication tasks and perform batch delete, batch terminate, batch pause, and batch start operations.None
05-22Data ReplicationField Expression (ETL)Data replication now supports ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) functionality, allowing data to be read from the source during replication, processed and transformed into the desired state, and then replicated to the target. Currently supported replication links include MySQL to MySQL and Sybase to PostgreSQL.Data Replication
05-22Database DevOpsData Export (Redis)Data export functionality now supports Redis data sources, allowing data to be exported via query statements.Data Export
05-22Database DevOpsData Archiving and CleaningSignificant feature enhancements:
  • Timezone: When setting the task start time, you can select the time zone first.
  • System Variables: Added $bizdate system variable, which automatically fetches the current system time, allowing customization of the system time format. This feature is mainly used for scenarios such as writing table names and WHERE conditions when creating tables in data archiving and cleaning tasks.
  • Time Field Types: Added support for time fields of type BIGINT, INT, CHAR, VARCHAR.
  • SQL Preview: Supports preview of archive and cleaning statements that the system will execute under the current configuration.
  • Optimize Strategy: Added Optimize option, where storage space is not automatically released after data cleaning in the source data source. Configuring this option allows periodic execution of Optimize operations to reclaim table space.
Data Archiving and Cleaning
05-15Database DevOpsMenu and Entry AdjustmentIn this release, we have adjusted the menu and entry points in Database DevOps. The left-side menu items have been reclassified and optimized. Now, you can reach the desired functions with fewer clicks, and the new function naming makes the understanding of functions more intuitive.None
05-15Database DevOpsData Tracking and RollbackThe data tracking and rollback feature has been enhanced to include the generation and download of rollback statements. This facilitates the batch download of rollback SQL and batch execution in the data source.Track and Rollback
05-15Database DevOpsSQL Code ReviewAdded SQL code review for two different data sources (XML files, code packages).SQL Code Review
05-15Database DevOpsData Export (TiDB)The data export feature now supports TiDB data sources, allowing export via database tables or SQL query statements.Data Export
05-15Database DevOpsData Import (TiDB)The data import feature now supports TiDB data sources, enabling the import of SQL, CSV, EXCEL files containing data into the target database.Data Import
05-15Database DevOpsNew Data Source SupportAdded support for incorporating Alibaba Cloud AnalyticDB PostgreSQL version data sources into NineData.Create Data Source
05-15Data ReplicationReplication Feature OptimizationOn the configure replication object page, it is now possible to import configuration files in Excel format for the target object.Data Replication
05-15Data ReplicationReplication Feature OptimizationWhen selecting replication objects with PostgreSQL, Sybase, TiDB, Oracle as the source, a search function is supported.Data Replication
05-15Data ReplicationNew Replication LinkAdded a new replication link from StarRocks to Doris.Data Replication
05-15Data ReplicationNew Replication LinkAdded a new replication link from SelectDB to Doris.Data Replication
05-15Basic ServicesTwo-Factor AuthenticationFor ordinary accounts (registered via phone number, WeChat scan, or email), if there is no history of device login within 30 days or a new device logs in via account password, a text message (or email) verification code will be triggered after password verification success, and only after passing the verification can one enter the console.None
05-08Database DevOpsTask List OptimizationAdded a new task type in the task list of Database DevOps. You can now quickly view permission requests that require approval on the task list page.Workbench
05-08Database DevOpsData ArchivingProvided an Execution Duration option for periodic tasks when creating data archiving tasks. You can use this option to limit the execution duration of tasks, preventing them from exceeding the expected duration and adversely affecting the business database. For example, you can schedule an archiving task to start at 0:00 during off-peak hours and set the execution duration to 6 hours. Even if the task hasn't completed by 6:00 in the morning, it will automatically stop to avoid disrupting business operations.Data Archiving and Cleanup
05-08Database DevOpsData ExportAdded pause and resume functionality to data export tasks to reduce additional impacts on the business database during peak hours.Data Export
05-08Database DevOpsData ImportAdded pause and resume functionality to data import tasks to reduce additional impacts on the business database during peak hours.Data Import


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04-24Basic ServiceWorkbenchThe NineData workbench displays an overview of all tasks under the current account, as well as a summary of tickets (pending approval, pending execution, submitted by me). Modules involved include SQL tasks, data import/export, data archiving, data tracking, data replication, data backup and recovery, database comparison, data sources, etc.Workbench Introduction
04-24Basic ServiceAdding Alert RulesWhen creating alert rules, two conditions and are added to the alert conditions of data replication tasks, allowing you to configure alerts more flexibly.Configure Alert Policies
04-24Data ReplicationPeriodic Full Replication ThrottlingDuring periodic full replication, support for throttling the rate of full replication is added to reduce the performance impact on the business database caused by excessive read traffic during full-speed replication.Periodic Full Replication
04-24Database DevOpsTask ListThe database DevOps adds a task list feature, which summarizes all database DevOps tasks related to oneself in the current organization. You can quickly filter by task type, task relationships, task status, and also support searching and locating target tasks by data source name, database name, creation time, submitter, task name, or ID.N/A
04-24Database DevOpsSensitive Data Management (TiDB)The sensitive data management feature now supports configuring sensitive columns for TiDB data sources.Manage Sensitive Data
04-24Database DevOpsPermission Application (TiDB)Added permission control for TiDB data sources, allowing users in your organization to apply for read/write permissions for TiDB data sources at the data source level, database level, or sensitive column level.Permission Application and Approval
04-24Database DevOpsSQL Review (TiDB)NineData SQL Review now supports TiDB data sources.SQL Review
04-24Database DevOpsSQL Task (TiDB)The SQL task feature now supports TiDB data sources, allowing change requests to TiDB data sources to be initiated via SQL tasks, supporting immediate or scheduled execution.SQL Task
04-24Database DevOpsSQL Console (TiDB)SQL Console adds support for TiDB data sources, allowing you to manage your TiDB data sources through the SQL Console.SQL Console
04-18Database DevOpsNew SQL Development RuleAdded rule for configuring the limit of Binlog file size in data tracking tasks. If the Binlog file size exceeds the configured threshold, it will be intercepted during the pre-check phase, and submission of data tracking tasks will not be allowed.Database DevOps Rules Overview
04-18Database DevOpsSQL ReviewNineData SQL Review now supports OceanBase Oracle data sources.SQL Audit
04-18Database DevOpsData TrackingNineData data tracking feature added the rollback SQL download function.Data Tracking
04-18Basic ServicesNew Data Source SupportAdded support for adding OceanBase for MySQL data sources to NineData.Creating Data Sources
04-18Data ReplicationRefresh MetadataDuring the Mapping Configuration phase of creating a replication task, if there are changes in the source and target data sources, you can click the button on the page to re-read the data from the source and target data sources.Data Replication
04-11Data ReplicationPeriodic Full Data ReplicationThe NineData data replication feature supports periodic full replication between two data sources, automatically transferring the source data in full to the target end based on preconfigured intervals.Periodic Full Replication
04-11Data ReplicationAddition of Replication LinksDozens of replication links have been added, covering mainstream data sources in the market. Please click on the link provided for the supported list.Data Replication
04-11Database DevOpsData TrackingThe NineData data tracking feature is used to track developers' changes or deletions of data or object structures in the database, ensuring data integrity for the business.Data Tracking
04-11Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleWhen managing PostgreSQL data sources in the SQL Console, support has been added to obtain the execution plan of the target SQL statement.SQL Console
04-11Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleWhen managing PostgreSQL data sources in the SQL Console, you can right-click on the target object in the left navigation tree and select to automatically generate the creation script for that object.SQL Console
04-11Database DevOpsSQL ReviewThe NineData SQL review feature now supports PostgreSQL data sources.SQL Review
04-11Database DevOpsSlow Query AnalysisThe NineData slow query analysis feature now supports PostgreSQL data sources.Slow Query Analysis
04-11Basic ServicesAddition of Data Source SupportAdded support for bringing TiDB data sources into NineData.Create Data Source
04-11Basic ServicesAddition of Data Source SupportAdded support for bringing Sybase data sources into NineData.Create Data Source
04-11Basic ServicesAddition of Data Source SupportAdded support for bringing Hive data sources into NineData.Create Data Source
04-11Basic ServicesData Source Entry OptimizationWhen entering Redis clusters via gateway or private network connection, only one link address needs to be filled in. The system will automatically traverse all link addresses of the cluster and add them without the need for manual operation by the user.Create Data Source
04-02Database DevOpsData ExportThe data export feature has been integrated with table-level permission control, allowing users to export only the tables they have permission to in the data export module.Data Export
04-02Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleThe SQL Console feature has been integrated with table-level permission control, allowing users to perform operations such as querying and modifying only on tables they have permission to in the SQL Console module.SQL Console
04-02Basic ServicesNew Architecture Support for Data SourcesAdded support for two deployment architectures of MySQL data sources: disaster recovery and read-write splitting.Create Data Source
04-02Basic ServicesData Source Input OptimizationIntroducing a Read Preference Setting for Read Traffic Distribution in MongoDB Replica Set Architecture.Create Data Source


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03-27Database DevOpsProduct UpgradeNineData's SQL Development initially focused on providing SQL Console (IDE) functionality. After nearly two years of refinement, the product has added numerous enterprise-level features. As of today, it has served tens of thousands of developers, covering functionalities throughout the lifecycle of database design, development, testing, and changes. In order to better convey the product's value to enterprise-level clients, NineData has officially upgraded SQL Development to Database DevOps starting from March 27th, providing customers with a leading global database DevOps solution.N/A
03-27Basic ServicesAudit LogTwo optimizations have been added to the audit log functionality:
  • If the event object of the operation log is an instance ID, it supports direct clicking for navigation.
  • In SQL execution logs, searching by database name is now supported.
Audit Log
03-27Database DevOpsSQL TaskThe automatic backup feature for SQL tasks now supports PostgreSQL data sources.SQL Task
03-27Database DevOpsData ArchivingData archiving functionality now supports PostgreSQL data sources.Data Archiving
03-27Database DevOpsSensitive Data ManagementSensitive data management functionality now supports configuring sensitive columns for PostgreSQL data sources.Manage Sensitive Data
03-27Database DevOpsTable-Level Permission RequestNineData permission control has added table-level granularity, allowing users to apply for permissions only for individual or multiple tables in the data source without granting larger-grained permissions at the database or data source level.Permission Request and Approval
03-27Database DevOpsDevelopment PipelineThe development pipeline functionality enables multi-environment development process management, facilitating smooth progress in each environment to ensure that all necessary validation, changes, and approvals are completed before code is released to the production environment.Development Pipeline
03-13Database DevOpsAdd sensitive data in views (VIEW)The upgrade of the sensitive column addition function now includes support for adding sensitive columns based on views, in addition to the existing capability of adding sensitive columns based on tables. This update currently applies to MySQL and DB2 data source types.Manage Sensitive Data
03-13Database DevOpsPermanent Free Version of Database DevOps Professional EditionNineData released the permanent free version of Database DevOps Professional Edition on March 13, 2024. This version allows a maximum of 10 data source instances to be added and provides unlimited access to all advanced features of Database DevOps Professional Edition.
Existing free organizations will be automatically upgraded to this version; new registered users and new organizations will directly access this version.
Introduction to Database DevOps Professional Edition


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02-28Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleAdded a switch in the query result set of relational databases to toggle between row and column modes, allowing users to switch from the default column mode to row mode for displaying the result set.SQL Console (RDBMS)
02-28Basic ServicesNo Specify ApproverAdded a switch in the approval process. When enabled, users no longer need to specify an approver in all processes that require one (such as SQL tasks, permission requests, data archiving, data import/export, SQL audits, etc.). All personnel with approval privileges will receive approval notifications and be able to approve the work order.Approval Process
02-28Basic ServicesAdded Support for New Data SourcesAdded support for Tencent Cloud TDSQL PostgreSQL instances.Create Data Source
02-28Basic ServicesAdded Support for New Data SourcesAdded support for Tencent Cloud TDSQL MySQL instances.Create Data Source
02-22Basic ServicesAutomatically Create Organization for New Registered UsersFor new registered NineData users, the system will automatically create an organization with the same name as the user's username, and upon logging into the console, the user will be automatically switched to that organization.Manage Organization
02-22Data ComparisonData Comparison between MySQL and PostgreSQLAdded support for data comparison between MySQL and PostgreSQL data sources.Data Comparison
02-22Data ReplicationStructure Replication from MySQL to GreenplumAdded structure replication on top of existing replication from MySQL to Greenplum, eliminating the need to manually create table structures on Greenplum.MySQL Replication to Greenplum
02-22Data ReplicationMySQL to PostgreSQL ReplicationAdded support for data replication from MySQL to PostgreSQL, supporting structure, full, and incremental data replication.MySQL Replication to PostgreSQL
02-05Data ReplicationOracle to PostgreSQLData replication from Oracle to PostgreSQL is now supported. It includes support for structural, full, and incremental data replication.Oracle to PostgreSQL Replication
02-05Database DevOpsAdministrator Mode for Task TicketsSQL tasks, import, export, data archiving, SQL audit, and other task tickets support administrator mode. System administrators can directly approve, execute, pause, restart, and perform other operations on these task tickets.N/A
02-05Database DevOpsFull-Featured Database DevOpsFull range of SQL development features now support Baidu Cloud GaiaDB as a data source. This includes SQL Console, SQL tasks, data import, data export, SQL auditing, batch database changes, slow query analysis, DSQL, data archiving, etc.Database DevOps
02-05Basic ServicesAdded Data Source SupportAdded support for Baidu Cloud GaiaDB as a data source.Create Data Source
02-05Basic ServicesConfigure Session TimeoutSystem administrators can now configure the expiration time for user sessions after logging into the console. After expiration, users need to log in to the console again.Manage Organization


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01-31Basic ServicePermission Application (Redis SQL Task Permissions)Support applying for Redis SQL task permissions.Permission Application and Approval
01-31Database DevOpsSQL Console OptimizationThe SQL Console style has been optimized as follows:
  • Support for quick closing of SQL Console tabs (added shortcut close option in SQL Console tab right-click menu).
  • Added data source collection feature (icon collect) above the left navigation tree).
  • Optimized details of SQL Console icons.
SQL Console (RDBMS)
01-31Data ReplicationStructural ConversionNineData's structural conversion functionality now supports downloading converted SQL scripts, which can be batch executed in the target database.Structural Conversion
01-31Data ReplicationMySQL to StarRocksNineData data replication supports synchronization of structure, full data, and incremental data from MySQL to StarRocks data sources.Replication to StarRocks
01-31Data ReplicationKafka to KafkaKafka to Kafka data replication functionality is now supported.Kafka to Kafka Replication
01-24Data ReplicationStructural TransformationNineData now supports structural transformation between heterogeneous data sources, allowing you to perform table structure conversion operations in the target data source after the transformation is completed.Structural Transformation
01-24Basic ServicesAddition of Data Source SupportAddition of DocumentDB compatibility support. You can now select the MongoDB type when creating a data source and enter the connection address information through the DocumentDB data source.Create Data Source
01-24Database DevOpsData ArchivingNineData supports data archiving functionality. You can archive unused data to another database for backup to free up storage space in the business database and optimize performance. Supports one-time execution and periodic automatic execution.Data Archiving
01-24Database DevOpsSQL ReviewMajor update to SQL review functionality! Supports auditing SQL statements based on slow query logs and full query logs in the database.
In addition, a new incremental audit function has been added, which combines the latest historical SQL review results that have been approved to compare the SQL statements submitted currently, helping you quickly obtain differential results between the two audits.
SQL Review
01-24Database DevOpsData Export (ClickHouse)Data export functionality now supports ClickHouse data sources and can be exported using SQL query statements.Data Export
01-16Database DevOpsOnlineDDL OptimizationAdded the "Mandatory use of NineData OnlineDDL" option, supporting direct and lock-free structural changes to tables through NineData OnlineDDL.Use NineData OnlineDDL for Lock-Free Structural Changes to Tables
01-16Database DevOpsDatabase DevOps Standards UpdateAdded the "" rule to control the execution of NoSQL commands in SQL tasks.Overview of SQL Development Rules
01-16Basic ServicesEncryption for Redis Data SourceWhen adding a Redis data source to NineData, now supports enabling encryption for transmission, further ensuring the security of the accessed data source.Create Data Source
01-10Data ComparisonData Comparison between Oracle and SingleStoreData comparison functionality between Oracle and SingleStore has been supported.Data Comparison
01-10Data ReplicationOracle to MySQLData replication from Oracle to MySQL is now supported, covering structural, full, and incremental data replication.Oracle to MySQL Replication
01-10Data ReplicationOracle to SingleStoreData replication from Oracle to SingleStore is now supported. It allows analyzing data through SingleStore, while Oracle focuses on the workload of transactional operations, distributing server pressure, and maximizing the value of business data.Oracle to SingleStore Replication
01-10Database DevOpsAddition of SQL Development RulesAddition of the "" rule for setting the concurrency of SQL tasks.Overview of SQL Development Rules
01-10Database DevOpsOnlineDMLNineData's SQL tasks support the OnlineDML feature, which automatically splits large-scale data changes into multiple statements for batch execution. This helps avoid table blocking caused by extensive data modifications, preventing disruptions to business operations.Executing Large-scale Data Changes in Batches using NineData OnlineDML
01-10Basic ServicesMonitoring Alerts Support Email ServiceSupport for manually configuring email services. After configuration, the system will use the email server you configured to send alerts and subscription information to recipients.Configure Alert Reception
01-03Data ReplicationMongoDB Replication OptimizationAfter MongoDB replication failure, supports users to repair SQL statement execution from the console, and optimizes the performance of MongoDB pre-checking the existence of target data.MongoDB Replication to MongoDB
01-03Data ReplicationRedis Replication OptimizationDuring the full replication phase of Redis, supports automatic retries in case of network issues, optimizes the logic of saving disconnecting resumption points, and supports users to repair and skip incremental commands in case of Redis cluster replication failure.Redis Replication to Redis
01-03Data ReplicationMySQL Replication OptimizationOptimizes the performance of reading large transactions in MySQL incremental replication, reduces CPU consumption, and decreases latency.MySQL Replication to MySQL
01-03Database DevOpsBatch Database ChangesSupports initiating batch structural and data changes to the target database through SQL tasks, supports automatic SQL review based on SQL development specifications, and also supports multi-level approval in the approval process configuration.Batch Database Changes