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Fee Description

This article introduces the fee-related information of NineData products, including billing items, billing methods, overdue handling, renewal instructions, modification instructions, refund instructions, and account information inquiry, helping you understand the fee structure and billing process of NineData.

Billing Items

Database DevOps

Currently, only and require paid usage.

Backup and Restore

Free for a limited time!

Data Replication

Free for a limited time!

Data Comparison

Free for a limited time!

Database DevOps Version Description

NineData Database DevOps features provide multiple versions aimed at meeting the diverse needs of different user groups, offering a broader range of service options and functionalities.


  • : Free for individual users, it provides powerful database management services including AI services, database development tools, visual table structure design, data import/export, etc.
  • : Provides advanced database management and development tools for professional users to meet more complex requirements and business scenarios. In addition to all the features of the Personal Edition, the Professional Edition further provides enterprise collaboration features such as SQL specification pre-checks, approval processes, user management, role management, and permission control. Additionally, new features such as OnlineDML, data tracking, development pipeline, data archiving, slow SQL analysis, SQL auditing, and DSQL cross-database querying are also added.
  • : Designed for enterprise users, this version offers a comprehensive set of powerful enterprise-level capabilities to meet the demands of enterprise users. Building upon the features of the professional edition, the enterprise edition provides enterprise-level capabilities such as audit logs, SSO (Single Sign-On) login, and more. Additionally, the enterprise edition offers flexible subscription plans to cater to diverse choices for different enterprise scales and needs.
Click to Expand Version Differences Overview

Icon Legend:

  • ✔️: Supported
  • ❌: Not Supported
CategoryFunction NameSubfunctionPersonal EditionProfessional EditionEnterprise Edition
Database DevOpsSQL ConsoleAI Services✔️✔️✔️
Database Development Tool✔️✔️✔️
Execution History✔️✔️✔️
Visual Result Set Editing✔️✔️✔️
Visual Table Structure Design✔️✔️✔️
SQL Standard Checking✔️✔️
Sensitive Columns✔️✔️
SQL TaskSQL Task Submission and Execution✔️✔️✔️
Task Approval Workflow✔️✔️
Standard Checking✔️✔️
Online DDL✔️✔️
Online DML✔️✔️
Schema Design and Release✔️
Data ExportExport Task Submission and Execution✔️✔️✔️
Task Approval Workflow✔️✔️
Access IP Whitelist✔️
Excel Watermark✔️
Data ImportImport Task Submission and Execution✔️✔️✔️
Task Approval Workflow✔️✔️
Slow Query-3 Data SourcesUnlimited
Batch Data Change in Multiple Instances-✔️✔️
Database Table Group Query-✔️✔️
SQL Code Review-✔️
Data Archiving and Clean-✔️
Data Tracking and Rollback-✔️
Standards and ProcessesSQL Development Standards✔️✔️
Approval Processes✔️✔️
Add New Standard✔️
Add New Process✔️
Operation and MonitoringConfigure Alert Receivers-✔️✔️✔️
Configure Alert Policies-✔️✔️✔️
View Alert History-✔️✔️✔️
Basic ServicesData Source ManagementAdd Self-built Data Source✔️✔️✔️
Add Cloud Vendor Data Source✔️✔️✔️
Special Data Sources (Oracle, DB2)✔️
Environment Customization51000
Gateway ManagementCreate Gateway✔️✔️✔️
Create Proxy Gateway✔️✔️✔️
Cloud Vendor Access Credentials-✔️✔️✔️
Private Network Connection-✔️✔️✔️
Manage Sensitive Data-3 Data SourcesUnlimited
Account ManagementManage OrganizationsCreate Organization✔️✔️✔️
Switch to Organization✔️✔️✔️
View or Edit Organization Information✔️✔️
Data Watermark✔️
Access IP Whitelist Management✔️
Single Sign-On (SSO)✔️
Manage UsersInvite Users✔️✔️
Add New SSO User✔️
Edit Users✔️✔️
Remove Users✔️✔️
Configure User PermissionsUnlimitedUnlimited
Manage RolesAdd New Role✔️✔️
Edit Roles✔️✔️
Delete Roles✔️✔️
Bind Roles✔️✔️
Configure Role PermissionsUnlimitedUnlimited
Permission Application and ApprovalApply for Data Source Permissions✔️✔️
Apply for Database Permissions✔️✔️
Apply for Sensitive Column Permissions✔️✔️
My PermissionsManage My Permissions✔️✔️
Audit LogView Audit Log90 Days3 Years
Message CenterIn-site MessagesReceive In-site Messages✔️✔️
Subscription ManagementConfigure Message Delivery Preferences✔️✔️

Billing Expiration Handling

After your purchased product expires, the billing function in the product will be unavailable. NineData will notify you through the following channels before the expiration.

Remaining Service Duration
Handling Method
7 days before expirationNotify the organization administrator via station message.
1 day before expirationNotify the organization administrator via station message and SMS.
ExpirationNo further notification, billing service will be disabled.

After the service expires, you need to contact us to renew and reactivate the service.


To avoid business impact caused by service suspension, please renew your service promptly when it is close to expiration.

Purchase Method

Please click the services icon in the lower right corner of the NineData Console and contact our pre-sales service personnel for purchase.

Unsubscribe Rules

If you no longer need our service, you can apply for unsubscribe. The refund will deduct the price of the service you have used and return the remaining amount to you. Refund amount calculation formula: Actual refund amount = (original specification amount / total service days) * (total service days - actual service days)

For example: You purchased a monthly package with a specification of 20 and used it for 10 days, then (7238 / 30) * (30 - 10) = 4825, so you can get a refund of 4825 yuan.

Modification Instructions

With changes in your business, you may need to expand or reduce specifications. You can click the services icon in the lower right corner of the NineData Console and contact our after-sales service personnel to unsubscribe the current order and then repurchase the new specification.

Account Information Inquiry

Hover over the organization icon in the upper right corner of the NineData Console to view the following information, which helps you better understand and manage your account usage and make corresponding decisions and adjustments.

  • : View the number of data sources entered in the current account and the total number of data sources that can be entered.
  • : View the expiration time of the subscription for annual and monthly packages.
  • Version: View the current version information, such as or .